Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Information needs analysis. Lou Rosenfeld has written an excellent blog entry on information needs analysis, which looks at user's "information-seeking behaviours" and matches interfaces designs to those. For example, he came up with the following table, which I found very useful: This Information... [Column Two]
9:14:43 AM    Trackback []

Information architecture theses.

Theses Information Architecture. 25 Theses of Information Architecture via LucDesk Comment: Each of the 25 points is doesn't allow...sample: "Shaping information to... [elearnspace blog]

Here is thesis #18 as an example:

Just as the Copernican revolution changed the paradigm for more than astronomy, the Internet has changed our paradigm for more than just technology. We now expect all information environments to be as accessible, as immediate, and as total.

All are worth thinking about. Right now, information architecture is a nascent discipline working to establish itself.  The 25 theses, for example, are posted on the Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture's website. If you are a knowledge worker, however, don't be too quick to hand off responsibility for information architecture to someone else on the theory that they are the professionals. Knowledge and information are too central to your work. In the spirit of Christopher Alexander, you will be better served to participate actively in shaping the information architectures and environments around you. It is too important to leave to the experts.

[McGee's Musings]
9:14:17 AM    Trackback []

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