Monday, October 06, 2003 | |
Financial Times -- Subscriptions must not be working. The Financial Times and Yahoo Finance have expanded their relationship, meaning a lot more FT content, currently protected by a subscription barrier, is going to be available free on Yahoo!. Now, if I had to guess, based on negotiating with... [RatcliffeBlog - Mitch Thinking Out Loud] 10:27:28 AM Trackback [] |
Heath Row's incredible BloggerCon notes. [Scripting News] 9:20:18 AM Trackback [] |
Adam Curry is doing a feed he calls SyncPod to help developers adapt aggregators to work with enclosures. Scott Johnson says Feedster will have a special report listing all feeds that support enclosures. Now that I have more free time, I'm going to tweak up enclosure support in Radio. There are some serious problems that are relatively easy to fix. Jake, please note. [Scripting News] 9:19:42 AM Trackback [] |
Doc Searls on Day 2 and dinner report, especially interesting because it includes a route-around prediction by Internet radio, which I fully agree with. [Scripting News] 9:19:14 AM Trackback [] |
Welcome to "a demo of Feedster's soon to be officially released Feed Compare feature. What this feature does is let you see the postings from Blog or Feed A in comparison with Blog or Feed B, C, D and E." [Scripting News] 9:16:16 AM Trackback [] |