Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Building a Better Print Newspaper. : Steve Outing does some big-picture thinking of what newspapers of the future should be doing...must-read for musty-heads...... []
9:57:44 AM    Trackback []

Time and Place Shift Public Radio.

Ack, I missed All Things Considered

" An extensive customizable list of (almost) all public radio stations that offer streaming audio and what they have playing now and in the future." [MetaFilter]

Another totally awesome service! I've been listening to a lot more talk radio and NPR shows thanks to Replay-Radio, software that lets you record audio streams off the web. You can even schedule recordings so that they're waiting to be transferred to your MP3 player.

(Special note to the lady that came up to me after last week's A/V panel to bemoan the loss of Talk of the Nation in Chicago - there's a stream listed here you can use!)

Disclaimer: the folks that make Replay-Radio gave me a free copy, but my brother liked it enough to shell out the money.

[The Shifted Librarian]
9:50:16 AM    Trackback []