Gary Robinson's Rants
Rants on spam, business, digital music, patents, and other assorted random stuff.


Join the campaign. And if you're interested in spam news, you may like my spam category.

 Thursday, December 12, 2002

"Camram is an antispam system updating the concept of postage to an electronic, peer-to-peer model of postage. Camram operates on a peer-to-peer basis using proof of work and digital signature techniques. The camram system intentionally leaks enough information to allow intermediate machines to filter spam." [See Gleaned from the community-editable wiki at]
11:43:47 AM    

Due to popular request, we have embraced a suggestion of Paul Graham's and renamed the anti-spam URL:

Check it out. Consider putting it in your email sig. Seriously.
11:15:24 AM    

"Message-filtering service warns that the volume of spam could surpass legitimate E-mail by July." [InformationWeek]
9:43:40 AM    

"The growing popularity of Linux will force Microsoft to bring its software to the Unix clone starting in late 2004, a research firm predicted Monday in a study that Microsoft promptly disputed." []
7:31:27 AM    

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Last update: 1/30/06; 2:39:32 PM.
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