Updated: 9/1/2002; 7:03:28 PM.
Thursday, January 24, 2002 |
I can't resist: in the bootstrapping of the open discussion of WSDL, it looks like the thin cable has reached the other side. Now let me annouce my intentions. That plan is to produce a busy developers guide to WSDL. Unfortunately, we are not quite ready to go there just yet - the thin cable of common understanding is not quite sufficient just yet. Teaser: tomorrow I will begin the process of drawing out the next cable. Publically and openly. First lets agree on common goals:
- we need to enable multiple components by multiple vendors to interoperate
- interoperation must encompass both dynamic scripting languages as well as statically compiled languages. Note: the journey will invove a brief detour exploring how murky those distinctions really are.
- The common goal is to achieve the network effect that Jon is describing
Fair enough?
9:00:10 PM
Talk about meeting old friend here: here's another: josh. He's the author of one of my permanent bookmarks.
1:23:59 PM
Building consensus through blogging. Regarding the abstract concept of a WebServices Description Language, consensus is forming.
Jon Udell: Desirable? Hugely. I want this, everybody should want this
James Snell: the real question that needs to be answered is not whether WSDL is really necessary, but how WSDL can be improved to make it easier to write good interoperable implementations of it.
Simon Fell: I have no issues with WSDL the concept, its just a machine readable description of a SOAP endpoint. But I have lots of issues with WSDL the reality.
Going back to Dave's InfoWorld slides: Lay a thin cable, use it to lift a slightly bigger cable. Perhaps we were too ambitious and we need a smaller second cable. Sage guidance on what the important core of WSDL can be found here. Sounds like a good place to start!
11:23:15 AM
One week into blogging. First impressions: updates is not as useful as I thought as there is no way to sort by relevance. Rakings, daypop, and blogdex address relevance to the overall community but have no way to filter. Referrers is much useful but both needs some provision for data reduction and a longer time horizon than last midnight. Met some old friends, like kimbro, james, jon, and simon. And nothing causes more flow than a mention here.
9:56:10 AM