Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:52:51 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Wednesday, 3 April 2002

EvilWoman - Noticed a nice GoogleStak blog entry today.
Thanks! I would have emailed - but there was no link... 5:52:10 PM    Comments ()  

What's the word I'm looking for - AKMA  is lost for the right word in his piece on Integrity this afternoon.

...Not that no one can fake integrity, but that corporate-speak and ad-speak don't even begin to try, and in church circles growth-speak and (what to call it?) goopy-pious-speak don't communicate integrity either...

Try "super spiro" or "space cadet" for an alternative.

3:26:38 PM    Comments ()  

Hey Dave - Just wondering if it would be really hard to make comments also email the blog owner in Radio. I find it really hard to keep up with comments that are added to old posts.


12:39:27 PM    Comments ()  

Greasing the wheel - Seems that the Prime Minister's right hand man, Max Moore-Wilton, has received a payback from his "help" in the children overboard scam that is still wreaking havok on the government. I am not suggesting that any interference was made - by the PM or by MMW himself - yet you be the judge as you read these excerpts from the SMH today:

The son of the Prime Minister's right-hand man was given a shot at joining the elite SAS. But some in the military think the entry rules might have been overlooked. Hamish McDonald reports.

An infantry officer with the name Moore-Wilton was to undergo the gruelling "barrier test", the first of two stages in selection for the elite forces. This was despite notes in his record that would normally have ruled out his application to join the SAS.

Earlier, on active service in East Timor, the young officer had accidentally discharged a weapon. On another occasion he lost a pistol. These entries on his record would routinely have led to an application being rejected before the barrier test, army sources said.

Now in a climate where dishonesty is allowed to reign - it would be entirely possible for an unspoken request to be made to help ones son along the path to eventual litery fame.

Max's easily guessed response was

...any suggestion of string-pulling given to the Herald is "outrageous, scurrilous bloody nonsense" and he will ask the Chief of the Defence Force, Admiral Chris Barrie, for a report on the matter.

Wasn't it Admiral Barrie who, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, still found the gaul to deny that children weren't thrown overboard by refugees in Australian waters.

Give us all a break. How did these people get re-elected?

6:53:12 AM    Comments ()  

At last Jonathon is converted - Well it seems that Jonathon has changed his tune. In his piece on "So why don't we pretend" he quotes Bandler quoting Erickson

The last time that I went to see Milton Erickson, he said something to me. And as I was sitting there in front of him, it didn't make sense. Most of his covert metaphors have made... eons of sense to me. But he said something to me which would have taken me a while to figure out. Milton said to me "You don't consider yourself a therapist, but you are a therapist." And I said "Well, not really." He said "Well, let's pretend ... that you're a therapist who works with people. The most important thing .... when you're pretending this ... is to understand ... that you are really not.... You are just pretending.... And if you pretend really well, the people that you work with will pretend to make changes. And they will forget that they are pretending ... for the rest of their lives. But don't you be fooled by it."

Which is remarkable similar to the story related by Bandler [or was that James] when he told a psycotic seminar attendee to just "pretend" he was normal, and that if he got very good at it, no one would know the difference. Magnificent.

This is what I told him way back in February!

2:49:34 AM    Comments ()  

Hitting the big time - this humble blog was reviewed by the WebLogReview yesterday. Seems that my four voters don't think too much of it though... 2:40:58 AM    Comments ()  

It's nice to own something - Mike Sanders lays it on the line for me with regard to my prior claim to have invented the Google Persuader, suggesting that I need to follow the three point plan of naming it, love it and support it.

Mike - I also claimed to invent the GoogleStak (or GoogleBomb as I later discovered someone else had called it (or did the get beaten to the patent office too?)).

Well - at least I own Microsoft Solitaire highest score in Google! In fact this was one of my first blogs!

2:37:09 AM    Comments ()  

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