Friday, 8 November 2002 |
3 eggs - The two turkey hens, shown in the picture, are sitting on three eggs between them. It would seem that one hen has the three and the other thinks she has! Whilst we built them beautiful nesting boxes, the hens kicked the eggs out of the boxes and into the corner of the floor - right in there with the bricks and corrugated iron... Oh well, you know what they say ... You can take the turkey out of the bush, but you can't take the bush out of the turkey.
8:53:27 AM
Turkey Update - The turkeys have settled in nicely. Two of the hens appear to be broody, although I'm not sure how many eggs they are sitting on. When we purchased them, the previous owners gave us two eggs. I noticed that one had been laid on Wednesday and Sue found one smashed in the yard on Thursday. I might lift them up and see what's happening...
8:43:43 AM
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