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Monday, December 01, 2003

Security, 11/26/03:  'Critical' IE Security Warning Released

By Ryan Naraine

A Chinese security researcher has warned of five serious vulnerabilities in Microsoft's (Quote, Chart) Internet Explorer browser, warning that a successful exploit could lead to system takeover.

Liu Die Yu released details of the flaws on the Bugtraq mailing list and issued a warning that the vulnerabilities could lead to system access, exposure of sensitive information, cross site scripting and security bypass.


The New York Times, 12/1/03:  Neat Thieves Are Zeroing In on Laptops

A man walked into an Atlanta office, made chitchat with two workers and sat down for lunch with them. Nobody noticed when he left with four of their laptops.

Such neatly dressed thieves who walk into the workplace looking for expensive laptops or purses are a growing problem for businesses. Since laptops became common in the mid-1990's, criminals have sought them in particular as a way to make a quick profit.



Infoworld, 11/26/03:  SharePoint installation can put Exchange at risk

SharePoint disables Kerberos authentication, exposes mail boxes

By Joris Evers

Installation of the Windows SharePoint Services collaboration and information sharing add-on to Windows Server 2003 can expose Exchange Server 2003 mailboxes on the same server, Microsoft Corp. said Tuesday.

Installing SharePoint Services will disable Kerberos authentication and instead select Windows NTLM (NT LAN Manager) authentication. This can adversely affect Outlook Web Access (OWA) and users logging in to OWA could be logged in to another user's mailbox at random, Microsoft said in a statement.



7:53:55 AM    

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