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Tuesday, December 02, 2003


Computerwold, 12/1/03:  Intel chip set to make PC into wireless access point

It's due out in the first half of 2004

Story by Tom Krazit

Desktop PCs with Intel Corp.'s Grantsdale chip set, scheduled for release in the first half of 2004, will allow users to run wireless networks from their PCs, the company said today.

Intel President and Chief Operating Officer Paul Otellini first discussed the chip set last month at Intel's fall analyst meeting in New York. Grantsdale will incorporate support for DDR2 (double data rate) memory and the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express standard, in addition to access-point capability, said George Alfs, an Intel spokesman.



ZDNet, 12/1/03:  Slow uptake seen for Office 2003

 By David Becker

Only about 35 percent of large businesses plan to move up to the latest version of Microsoft's Office software next year, according to a new survey of chief information officers.

The Merrill Lynch survey polled CIOs at 75 U.S. companies and 25 European ones on a number of issues, including whether they were "likely to upgrade to Office 2003 in the next year."

A total of 65 percent said "no," a result Merrill Lynch attributed to complex new server-based functions--including capabilities based on Extensible Markup Language (XML)--included in the new version of the productivity software. "Without a new killer app in Office, the upgrade cycle looks to be gradual until new XML-based technologies take hold in the broader market," according to the report.


C|net, 11/24/03:  Microsoft aims for search on its own terms

By Michael Kanellos

Microsoft is conducting research that could help it in its quest to make search a greater part of its Windows operating system.

The Redmond, Wash., software giant is experimenting with different search technologies that will, among other tasks, conduct Google-like searches on an individual's hard drive or categorize query results in different ways intended to make the data easier to digest.


Collaborative Technologies

Microsoft Watch, 12/2/03:  Microsoft Test Drives Another Blogging Tool

By Mary Jo Foley 

'The Spoke,' a new community site radiating from Microsoft's Academic Developer Division, is aimed at university students.



C|net, 12/1/03:  Sunny days forecast for PCs, chips

By Dinesh C. Sharma

The marketplace for PCs and chips is set to enter 2004 not with a whimper, but with a bang, according to market researcher iSuppli.

Global markets for computers and for chips used in cell phones and PDAs (personal digital assistants) are all set to bounce back to life next year, continuing a revival observed in recent months, the market research firm said Monday. The PC sector, for instance, is once again witnessing double-digit growth, iSuppli said.



Strategy+Business, Winter 2003:  The Company’s Mission Is the Message

By Bill George

The greatest myth of the last decade is that CEOs who run their companies to maximize shareholder value actually serve their investors well. In truth, by running their businesses by the numbers in order to get the stock price up, and thus attempting to please their shareholders in the near term, these leaders are putting their companies on a course to long-term decline or even eventual destruction. Business’s best-kept secret is that mission-driven companies accrue far more shareholder value than do financially driven firms.


9:59:19 AM    

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