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Saturday, November 30, 2002

A blog might not fit all of the Patterns of Personal Web Sites but it matches a few .
8:44:07 AM    

Matt Griffith blogs about ASP.NET unit testing. That reminded me that last week, while looking for something useful to build aspx unit test  I came across NUnitAsp on sourceforge which is similar to Java's HTTPUnit mentioned in Matts entry. Alas it doesn't support all aspx controls just yet.
8:28:58 AM    

Gary Westfahl: "One doesn’t need to visit this website in order to learn that Steven Soderbergh’s Solaris is a bad, bad movie; One becomes interested while watching Solaris not by pondering the mystery of its titular planet (which doesn’t really seem to interest Soderbergh either), but by trying to figure out why this film is so consistently misfiring in every conceivable fashion, ruthlessly alienating all of its potential audiences. " To have destroyed one of the top 20 SF books ever made is a real shame... [Sam Gentile's Radio Weblog]

- Seems that nobody can do justice to Stanislav Lem . Solaris had been made into a movie in the former Soviet Union right around 1975 ( I think) and as I recall it was pretty bad back then too. Growing up in a tiny mountain town in East Germany, I spent a couple of years reading the entire SF section of the Public Library there. Solaris was one of the books I devoured.

8:00:29 AM    

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