Updated: 11/5/2005; 6:01:33 PM.
Chris Double's Radio Weblog

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

BitWorking: "The third installment in the Language series has just been posted."

A great series of articles there. Well worth reading. Looking forward to the next installments. I believe strongly in using embedded 'scripting' languages in products as well.

Emacs has Emacs Lisp, Autocad has Lisp, Microsoft has VBA, etc. They all make the products far more usable for power users. These power users can then provide tools for more casual users. Everybody wins.

10:19:43 AM      

markpasc.blog: "And how is one supposed to read from an edit box in a non-MFC C++ program, eh? Guh."

Reading from an edit box without using MFC is done by sending it a message. If the editbox HWND is stored in hWnd, the code below does it:

long len = SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); 
char* buffer = malloc(len); 
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETTEXT, len, buffer); 

I believe this will only work if the length is less than 32K though.

10:14:26 AM      

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