Updated: 11/5/2005; 6:01:34 PM.
Chris Double's Radio Weblog

Saturday, April 06, 2002

Fixed the problem with my Corman Lisp XML-RPC implementation whereby returned strings weren't having the entitie encodings translated correctly.
9:32:15 PM      

[The service being called is no longer active, sorry. I've removed the example as a result. I plan to re-activate it one day. Contact me if you are interested.

Hmm, not all is working fine with XML-RPC and Common Lisp. Calling currentMeetingsHTML should result in a table like below (which is produced with an actual XML-RPC call):

[example removed]

Instead though I get the result returned with the '<' encoded as '&lt;'. I guess I need to decode these on return from the string. For the curious, the code for this web page in Cormon Lisp using AllegroServe is:

    :path "/webservices"  
    :content-type "text/html"
    #'(lambda (req ent) 
      (with-http-response (req ent) 
        (with-http-body (req ent) 
              (:title "Webservices testing")) 
              (:h1 "Meetings") 
              (:princ (xml-rpc-send "no-longer-active" no-port-active "/RPC2" "currentMeetingsHTML")))))))) 

I'm sure the table will actually appear once I get the encoding/decoding working correctly.

2:33:48 AM      

[The service being called is no longer active so I've removed the examples. I plan to re-instate the service in the future, contact me if you are interested in it.]

Accessing my Radio webservices from Common Lisp using XML-RPC seems to work fine. I'm testing out my Common Lisp XML-RPC interface on Corman Lisp 1.5. The following works fine:

(let ((raceday (xml-rpc-send "no-longer-active" port "/RPC2" "master.currentChild")))
  (xml-rpc-send "no-longer-active" port "/RPC2" "raceday.meetings" raceday))

Ditto with:

(define-xmlrpc-client-method raceday-meetings

(raceday-meetings 9002)

I need to try and get XML-RPC services working from the Lisp side now, possibly using AllegroServe.

2:12:20 AM      

A weblog about Common Lisp, neat!
1:40:22 AM      

Cacheability Engine - A great site containing utilities to check whether a web page is capable of being cached by various web caches. Also has a nice tutorial on how to make your web pages cacheable.
1:39:41 AM      

SQL-ODBC and AllegroServe are finally ported to Corman Lisp 1.5. I've still been using the older version of Corman Lisp and hadn't got around to porting things to the newer version. Now you can use ODBC and run a web server in Corman Lisp 1.5 with ease. Code available at my Corman Lisp web site.
1:33:52 AM      

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