[The service being called is no longer active, sorry. I've removed the example as a result. I plan to re-activate it one day. Contact me if you are interested.
Hmm, not all is working fine with XML-RPC and Common Lisp. Calling currentMeetingsHTML should result in a table like below (which is produced with an actual XML-RPC call):
[example removed]
Instead though I get the result returned with the '<' encoded as '<'. I guess I need to decode these on return from the string. For the curious, the code for this web page in Cormon Lisp using AllegroServe is:
:path "/webservices"
:content-type "text/html"
#'(lambda (req ent)
(with-http-response (req ent)
(with-http-body (req ent)
(:title "Webservices testing"))
(:h1 "Meetings")
(:princ (xml-rpc-send "no-longer-active" no-port-active "/RPC2" "currentMeetingsHTML"))))))))
I'm sure the table will actually appear once I get the encoding/decoding working correctly.
2:33:48 AM