Friday, April 16, 2004 |
Slava Pestov announces the release of a new concatenative language called FACTOR. It is hosted in the Java VM. From the announcement, the main features of FACTOR are:
- Lisp-like cons cells are a central part of the language
Control structures are Joy-like combinators; 'code quotations' are passed on the stack
Explicit access to the return stack, as in Forth
Shuffle definitions: ~<< swap a b -- b a >>~ etc.
Stack effect inference for simple, conditional and recursive forms
Compiler for (some) forms (basically those whose stack effect can be
inferred) targetting JVM bytecode; everything else is interpreted
Big number, ratio, integer, float arithmetic with automatic coercions
Dynamically-scoped nested 'namespaces' for holding variables
- Reasonably small and elegant core
- (Somewhat incomplete but already comprehensive) test suite
- Full reflective inspection of interpreter state
- 3 front-ends:
- http server
- text mode console
- GUI with hyperlinked inspection of source and variables, etc
4:34:36 PM
MMA.tv have announced some new products that complement the fantastic 'Fighters Notebook'. They are 'Fighters Notebook - the DVD' and 'Fit to Fight',
a conditioning manual for fighters. If they are anything near the
quality of the Fighters Notebook they should be good. They are offering
a 'Fighters Notebook Upgrade' which includes the two new products and a
free pair of MMA gloves. I hope to be able to review them when I get my
9:26:47 AM
Part four of my continuation based web server example
in scheme will be out soon. It describes a fix for a bug that occurs in
the current version when re-visiting URL's that have been previously
copied or bookmarked. It is to do with non-reuseable state captured by
the continuation so makes it a good time to discuss that issue.
9:23:34 AM
Avi Bryant has announced the alpha release of Seaside 2.5, a continuation based web framework written in Smalltalk. Read the announcement for the list of features - it's very impressive.
9:20:25 AM
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