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 Friday, May 12, 2006

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was on The Colbert Report, promoting her new book, The Mighty and the Almighty:

Albright: When I started writing this book, I thought that George Bush was an anomaly — that he really was different than all of American history — and when I went back andf looked at it all again, you’re actually right. We’re a country that was started by people who wanted to escape religious persecution. They then — whole “Manifest Destiny” and takeover of this continent — forgetting, kind of, that there were some other people here before, and then President McKinley actually said that we had a duty to Christianize the Philippines. So what President Bush talks about is not totally out of character of the United States.

The problem, however, is that he is so certain that everything he believes is right. And the problem with that, when it’s translated into policy, means that if Plan A fails, you don’t have Plan B.

Colbert: But if God’s given you Plan A, do you need a Plan B?

Albright: But we also know that when on this earth, we don’t know everything. There’s some people who may think so, but we do not know everything. And as the Apostle Paul said, “I see through a glass, darkly,” which means you don’t see it all.

I think the real problem is, if you’re so sure, as President Bush is, that you know everything, then you don’t listen to alternate plans. Which may explain a little bit of why we’re in such a mess in Iraq.

11:32:43 PM  #  
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