Thursday, June 20, 2002 |
Games that use Python
- Blade of Darkness
- EveOnline
- Freedom Force
- Frequency (PS2)
- ToonTown
- Ultima Online 2 (rumoured to be using Python)
- All future Humongous PC/Macintosh games
This list was posted by Bruce Dawson of Humongous Entertainment on a recent comp.lang.python thread titled "Using Python to script a game?". He also listed some Python game tools:
- Game Blender (game engine)
- PyGame (game engine)
- MindLathe (AI middleware)
8:08:27 AM
All the Python links you need on one page?
The CBEL page has over over 260 links on one page. I know I've seen other pages like that, so I'll make this a list of lists if anyone sends me similar pages. The Google Web Directory Python page has a more typical hierarchy organization, but you can use Google search within the category.
7:38:28 AM
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