Updated: 4/21/2002; 7:32:28 AM.
PythonCard is cross-platfrom framework for building desktop apps.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

I made a simple, but crucial addition to the radioclient PythonCard app today which increases its usability. When the app starts up, it automatically grabs the text in the clipboard and pastes it into the content field. Then all you have to do is press the "New Post" button to publish the text to your blog. If you want to edit the text before you publish, you can still do so. Notice how little code is involved:
    if self.components.fldContent.canPaste():
This is the kind of tweak that can really increase the usability of single focus apps and utilities. If you wanted to have a little utility that simply took the contents of the clipboard and automatically posted that to your blog, the script would be even simpler and could be made to work across all platforms, especially if your utility doesn't have a UI.

radioclient relies on Python and wxPython and works on Windows, Linux/GTK, and Solaris, and Real Soon Now (fingers crossed) on the Mac.

12:35:34 PM    

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