Montag, 11. Februar 2002

Carsten and I announce our Cocoon book. Watch this space for more updates as we get closer to publication day.


If web services are supposed to allow software and organisations to communicate in an open and cross-platform fashion - then why do we need this. I'm missing something - right? Their first "Profile" states that Basic Web Services consist of:

  • ¡¡SOAP 1.1
  • ¡WSDL 1.1
  • ¡UDDI 1.0
Yeah. Right.

Below is the result of calling an xmethods SOAP service via a Radio macro:   


Carsten and I get our Cocoon article into the paper version of the German IT weekly, Computerwoche. As far as I can tell it is not available online and of course - it is only in German.