Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2002


Steven Noels has a Radio Weblog. Sure to be interesting information from the guys at outerthought over there.


Cocoon blogging

Beebs Blog runs on Cocoon and Xindice. Cool (and yes I know I am the last person to link to him here) :-). Anyway can't we turn Cocoon into a blogging server by adding a couple of components here and there?


Documentation On Demand

We have written quite a bit of documentation to go with the work we do - all nicely done in XML and then generated into HTML or PDF - using Cocoon (of course). BUT NO ONE READS IT! That's the sad truth (and probably the same everywhere).

  • If you have no documentation - everyone complains
  • If you have documentation - no one reads it

So what is the answer? Documentation On Demand. If no-one has had that idea yet - it's mine.

What is DoD? Well basically it is product documentation that knows when to present itself. The user does not have to go looking for documentation (he won't) - the documentation comes looking for him. Simple. When the user runs into a problem the documentation sub-system (The RTFM Agent to you and me) automatically recognizes this and calls up the documentation to do with this point. This is then highlighted and brought to the users attention with a blaring fanfare (thou shalt read this! - You fool).

What do you mean the Microsoft paper-clip assistant is long dead?


Cocoon Book

As promised yesterday I have started writing a one paragraph synopsis of each chapter that I will publish day by day over in the Cocoon Book category (link on the left). Yes I know the description is brief - but we want you all to go out and buy the book when it comes out after all. And our publisher thinks this is a good idea as well :-).