Freitag, 10. Januar 2003

Bladvertising: I agree with Ugo. This is certainly not the way to become rich. It also does not really help to sell your own books this way. I've made around 20$ since I started doing this in July 2002.

Pingback clarified: Simon gets the message and I add dates to my archive pages. Thanks Simon. Looking forward to the Trackback implementation - I'll be happy to test it for you.   

Sad: The good folks at O'Reilly have turned down my submission "Aggregating business data in RSS" for the Emerging Technology conference. Sad I am.   

Woman book authors: Mum is looking for good computer books written by woman. Help her - pleaaaase.   

Trackback vs. Pingback: Simon thinks I confused Trackback with Pingback in writing this. No, that is not what I meant. Notice that in this list the others have more details listed but only the name of my weblog appears. That is what I was talking about.   

Fembot?: Doc points to an interesting (yep - that's the right word) quiz. I scored 11/16.   

Congratulations: Congratulations Dave! Now if any other universtity out there has a vacant chair for this type of stuff...cough cough :-)   

FOAF revisited: Looking at the FOAF spec - I am wondering if it is possible (or planned) to have something like: <foaf:related> to define that I am related to someone else as opposed to just kowing them (<foaf:knows>). Anyone know?   

SisBlogging: My sister now has a weblog. Welcome Joanna!