Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2003

Outlook Macro: I'm looking for an Outlook macro (I suppose that means Visual Basic) that can be invoked on incoming emails. What the macro should be able to do is grab the email and send it via the blogger API or MetaWeblog API to a local installed Radio. So I can send an email to a running Outlook and if the subject contains a trigger word, get it posted to Radio. Oh Lazy Web, I invoke thee.   

Cocoon goes SAP: A vote has been started on accepting SAP components into the Cocoon codebase. This should make Cocoon even more attractive for enterprise use.   

Open development: Dave Hyatt is giving play-by-play commentary on the ongoing Safari development. I bet that's going to stop soon. Otherwise I can't imagine how he's going to get any work done. On the other hand I applaud the openness of this.   

More West Wing: 2 more episodes last night and I'm hooked. Unfortunately it doesn't look as though I will be successful in getting all the episodes, so I am going to have to miss some. At least I will be able to watch the season cliffhangers. Hopefully.   

Watch the print: European Union starts fingerprint database for asylum seekers. This is to be able to cross-check whether someone seeking asylum had already applied in a different EU coutry. (Heise).   

Spackle: We're looking at some problems in our CVS server and through the power of weblogs, Carsten found that Steven is looking at Spackle.

Here is our problem: When we check in a large number of files then this causes a large amount of emails to be generated. Because we send each email to several recipients via a mailing list, this number is multiplied. In all the large number causes our email server to close down (thinks it is a DOS attack). We would like a solution where it is possible to configure that multiple emails (within a given time?) are combined into one. Any ideas or suggestions? Lazy Web, I invoke thee.   

O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference: First details are up.