AppleScript Info

April 2002
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contact: rob at

 Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Studio Log: AppleScript Snips: Make Shell and Perl script files executable

- A script that can be used to make Shell and Perl script files executable. Two versions of the script are provided. The first script runs from the Script Menu. The second script is written for the BBEdit Scripts menu.
10:33:38 PM    

Applescript Web Publishing System (AWPS) v0.5

- AWPS is a template-based webpage rendering system. The control logic (standard AppleScript) is kept completely separate to the html templates, making design and editing a snap. In addition to the update, the first AWPS tutorial has been made available. []
9:39:28 PM    

Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.1.4

- Resolves all security vulnerabilities in previous versions of Internet Explorer 5. This includes vulnerabilities that might have caused Internet Explorer to stop responding or caused a memory problem that compromised the security of the computer.(Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-019)
8:18:51 PM    

Eudora v5.1.1 b22

- The latest beta version of this popular, scriptable email client for OS 8.1-9. (Release Notes )
7:01:52 PM    

Eudora v5.1b23

- The latest beta version of this popular, scriptable email client for OS X. (Release Notes)
6:53:05 PM    

PageSpinner v4.0.1

- PageSpinner is a scriptable, easy to use professional HTML editor for Mac OS. Changes in this version include a new Text Tools menu with support for AppleScript-based tools and helper applications.
6:47:47 PM    

Microsoft Office X v10.0.3

- Network Security Updater. This update allows you to run Microsoft Office v. X files and any standalone programs of Office v. X for Mac more securely on a network. (Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-002)
6:42:23 PM    

Microsoft Office 2001 URL Security Updater

- This updater addresses a security vulnerability that could be exploited to run malicious code on your computer. (Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-019)
6:35:47 PM    

Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0.4

- Resolves all security vulnerabilities in previous versions of Outlook Express 5. This includes vulnerabilities that might have caused Outlook Express to stop responding or caused a memory problem that compromised the security of the computer. (Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-019)
6:31:35 PM    

Mac Net Journal: MailSmith 1.5.1 - Now we're talking

- I have downloaded and am planning to spend some time over the next day or two to evaluate MailSmith 1.5.1 - the e-mail client from Bare Bones Software. From first glance, it appears to offer all of the power and flexibility of Eudora under OS X, but with a much more compact and attractive user interface. The user interface still needs improvements - the windows are large and too clunky, for instance - but I suspect that the marriage of a decent user interface with the intelligent filtering and search capabilities that you would expect from the makers of the fine BBEdit text editor.

Still digging... [Mac Net Journal]

[Good golly Miss Molly! This upgrade covers a lot of ground which isn't indicated by the tiny increment in the version number.]
6:18:37 PM    

F-Script 1.2 released

- It’s an open source “lightweight object-oriented scripting layer specifically designed for Mac OS X object system (i.e. Cocoa). F-Script provides scripting and interactive access to Cocoa frameworks and custom Objective-C objects.” []
3:12:58 PM    

ChronoSync v1.0.3

- ChronoSync is a data management application that efficiently synchronizes files and folders. AppleScripts can be used to automate the process even further. This version adds numerous features and bug fixes.
3:06:23 PM    

Boston AppleScript User Group News

- The meeting will be postponed until Thursday, May 9 and will be held at Tech Superpowers of 252 Newbury St., 4th Floor, Boston. | Tech Superpowers will be holding AppleScript training. | A senior script developer shows an automated system of AppleScript development that he created for AppleScript, JavaScript, Perl, and Unix Shell scripting languages.
9:51:00 AM    

Adobe: Photoshop 7.0 Scripting plug-in v1.0

- Automate repetitive tasks and key workflows using rich scripting support. Write scripts using JavaScript or AppleScript.
9:16:46 AM