AppleScript Info

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contact: rob at

 Monday, June 10, 2002
WannaBe v1.0b13

- WannaBe is a scriptable, text-only web browser for Mac OS. Version changes: Fixes a bug introduced in 1.0b12. The problem was that HTTP requests did not use a User-Agent header, which causes some sites to refuse the requests. The new version also brings the search plug-in documentation up-to-date.
11:50:04 AM    

TheTimer v1.1

- TheTimer is a small alarm clock which will provide reminders after a user-defined number of minutes. Version changes: Now offers the option for a short text message.
11:39:17 AM    

PsyScript v5.1d1

- Based on AppleScript, PsyScript is professional-level psychology research software. This version includes numerous enhancements.
10:49:16 AM