AppleScript Info

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 Friday, June 28, 2002
Mailing list for OS X developers of web services apps

- The osxweb mailing list was formed to promote inter-operability between OS X apps that use web services and formats such as XML-RPC, RSS, OPML, and so on. The idea is to create informal standards for things like clipboard formats for RSS items. (The idea is not, for instance, to work on RSS itself.) A secondary goal is to promote a toolbox of code that app developers can use. []
5:22:09 PM    

DiceX v1.0.6

- DiceX is a dice roller for D&D style role playing games (RPGs). Version changes: Added a log window and simplified much of the coding with new AppleScript features. Note that this program now *requires* AppleScript 1.8.3.
4:06:45 PM    

AIM Multiple Away Messages v1.0

- This AppleScript allows you to set a message for each person or groups of people when you're away. The script is fully commented and easy to use. [Version Tracker]
3:55:37 PM