AppleScript Info

January 2003
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 Monday, January 6, 2003
Spork Software news

Spork Software has updated Web Jumper Lite to version 2.3. Web Jumper provides a floating window with easy access to 37 different search engines. This release includes code optimization, a new icon and removal of a preference setting which was causing problems for some users.

Spork has also released Calick 1.0. Calick provides a globally available floating window of incomplete iCal to-do items. Both applications require OS X 10.2.3 or higher and AppleScript 1.9.1 or higher.
12:11:26 PM    

iCan 1.0b9

iCan is a scriptable, highly customizable desktop trashcan for OS X. This version fixes problems with the trash caption fonts and font size, and adds some final polish.
10:34:50 AM    

iView MediaPro Weblog

This weblog provides tips and scripts for iView MediaPro users who need to organize, share and protect their ever-growing inventory of digital files. The latest entry offers a package of user requested scripts that copy the file name of each photo to one of the annotation fields.
10:13:57 AM    

MacScripter: UI Browser Preview & Mac OS X GUI Scripting

Kirk Klingbiel describes the latest issue of's unScripted column by T.J. Mahaffey.
T.J. brings us an up close preview of new AppleScript technology that's just around the corner, with an in-depth look at the tools to go with it. PreFab is set to release the new UI Browser, and T.J. has been reaching to all his sources, including Bill Cheeseman, Ray Robertson, and everyone with an insider's look, to get a glimpse of what's ahead. His article is much more than a glimpse. It contains both the amazement and brief history of GUI automation, some debate about the virtue and vice of GUI scripting, plus a detailed exploration (and screenshots!) of the upcoming UI Browser from PreFab Software.

9:49:53 AM    

iDVD 2.1

This version adds DVD-ROM data support, AppleScript support, enhancements to the burning process, and general performance improvements. Update: I've been made aware that this is old news. The source of the incorrect information, Macworld UK, has now apparently pulled their report.
9:26:55 AM