Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:47:06 PM.



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Saturday, March 20, 2004

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is."
- - George W. Bush, discussing Kosovo, Houston Chronicle, 04-09-99

March 20, 2003
-- Iraq: 24 Tomahawk missiles & four 2,000 lb "bunker buster" bombs, with pin point accuracy land on top of Saddam Hussein.  Unfazed, Saddam appears on TV to denounce American "crimes against Iraq & humanity". American "intelligence" insists Saddam is not Saddam.
March 21, 2003: Iraq: US begins concerted bombing & missile attacks on western Baghdad.  US Secretary of Defense & former weapons provider to Saddam, Don Rumsfield, continues the administration's "spin", attempting to cloak the Bush administration's long-planned effort to kill Saddam, in platitudinous phrases about "democracy," "liberation," "weapons of mass destruction," "the defense of America".  Meanwhile, the price of oil drops, SUV owners & the executives of oil companies & others who will soon move into Iraq seize control of Iraq's economic assets (read: "rebuilding") rejoice, & Wall Street stocks soar.

Signs Of Peace Billboards
A campaign to place billboards around the U.S. communicating a message of peace and a call to action. Ideally we look for cities with a PRA representative to identify and monitor the locations, to raise funds in their community to help cover printing and posting costs and if possible to serve as a press contact. In addition to the exposure created by the billboards themselves, articles about the project have appeared in several newspapers and on various news web sites. Instead of paying outrageous fees for advertising space, we have become the news, delivering real leverage on the donations we receive

"A Gathering of Planets" - science@nasa
Every few years or so, something wonderful happens: all five naked-eye planets appear in the evening sky at the same time. You can walk outside after dinner, and without any kind of telescope, see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. Now is one of those times. The show begins on March 22nd at sundown. Find a place where you can see the western horizon, and before the sky fades completely black, start looking for Mercury. It's that bright "star" shining through the rosy glow of the setting Sun. Can't find it? Use the Moon as a guide: On March 22nd Mercury will lie directly below the crescent Moon. Simple!...
PHOTO & MORE: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2004/19mar_planets.htm?list112112

Quilts Carry Freedom Message
By SUZANNE NORMAND BLACKWOOD, Nashville Tennesean, 3/19/04
WEST MEADE - Carrying messages of love, hope, peace, joy, family and friendship, the quilts proudly grace the walls of H.G. Hill Middle School. They were made by the school's fifth-grade and life skills classes to send overseas to children in distress. Some will go to schools and orphanages in Iraq, China, Israel and some African countries. Others will go to help children who have been freed from slavery in Uttar Pradesh, India...
MORE: http://tennessean.com/davidson/bellevue/archives/04/03/48548945.shtml?Element_ID=48548945

A Stern Warning for President Bush
by Ray Richmond, The Hollywood Reporter, 3/16/04
It turns out that Clear Channel Communications' decision last month to yank Howard Stern's syndicated radio show off of its stations may just wind up being the best thing that ever happened to Stern -- and the worst for the
Bush administration. Ever since Clear Channel cut Stern loose from the six stations where he was being heard -- in Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; San Diego; Pittsburgh; Louisville, Ky., and Rochester, N.Y. -- the shock jock has used the opportunity to step up the campaign decrying his persecution at the hands of the federal government. He has amassed his army of supporters in an us-against-the-world pose replete with pledge-your-dedication-to-Howard marketing and promos...

... Stern had essentially backed Bush on most issues (including the war in Iraq) and talked him up as a capable leader. Those days, however, are officially gone. He lately attacks the president as a "maniac" and an "arrogant bastard" while whipping up opposition to what he contends is a dangerous Christian-right shift in Washington.
In short, Stern as of this month has become the anti-Rush Limbaugh. If the Republicans ever wondered what it might be like to have a left-leaning version of Limbaugh hacking them to bits, they're now finding out daily.
MORE: Stern warning

A short poem made of actual quotations from the shrub, arranged, only for aesthetic purposes, by Washington Post writer, Richard Thompson. A wonderful Haiku poem like this has to be shared.

I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
And potential mental losses.
Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet
Become more few?

How many hands have I shaked?
They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.

I know that the human being
And the fish can coexist.
Families is where our nation finds hope,
Where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize society!
Make the pie higher!
Make the pie higher!
(Pass this on. Help cure mad Cowboy disease in the next election!)

8:56:19 AM    comment

Weasel Tracks: Day 1057,  03/16/04
In the interests of public safety, the weasel hunter will follow the weasel, George W. Bush, Jr., his regime, and the path of its coup d'etat with Weasel Tracks, periodic dispatches from the field.
-the weasel hunter
"Outfox him, ferret him out, and hound him 'til he drops."

Dear President Bush (May I call you George?):

I can only imagine how lonely it must be up there on the White House parapets, with the twin jaws of a gutted economy and an intractable war closing around you. My goodness, the burden! It's enough to drive a man to drink, isn't it George? In deepest sympathy for your solitary plight, and after long and careful deliberation, I feel compelled to make the following suggestion:   You must attack Spain.

I know this may appear to be an extreme proposal, particularly because most Spaniards, although they are swarthy in complexion, are white, just like you. Nevertheless, please hear me out. In the past week, Spain suffered a terrible attack on its civilian population. But instead of shouting, War! War! the timid Spaniards turned out in pathetic public displays, crying, Peace! Peace! Next, they flocked to the polls in unprecedented numbers and exerted their impetuous, emotion-tossed "mandate" in a democratic election!

To add insult to injury, the Spanish media spread the cowardly call of, Paz! Paz! across the nation and around the world. Next, they reported that the Basque ETA party was NOT to blame for the deadly explosions. Instead, the turncoat press was quick to point out that Al Queda had probably launched the attacks in retaliation for Spain's unsanctioned support of your Middle East crusades.

The result? Horrors! Demonstrations taken seriously? A national media that reported critical information without delay or obfuscation? In time for an election? A leader deposed for his fealty to your greater power?! A socialist elected in his stead? Preposterous. You and I both know, George, that socialism is dead. And --with the eyes of the world upon them--these socialist upstarts won't keep their mouths shut. Even today, they are shouting liar! liar! about your rationale for embarking on your noble Middle Eastern campaign.

These destructive outbursts of electoral anarchy threaten to confuse the American people and further weaken your already precarious position. Consider, if you will. What if such a thing happened in the United States? When Al Qaeda attacks the United States before our upcoming election, will Spain become a beacon for insurrection? Would Americans who mourn and demonstrate in our streets be taken seriously? Could some panty-waist political opponent interlope to pervert your carefully wrought foreign policy? Could the American press fail to keep its jaw tightly wired? You must take no chances. Attack Spain. A Spanish campaign would bring the wrath of God down upon the interlopers, rendering their election useless. Besides, consider the upside of such an attack.

Your devoted servant Karl Rove can connect your Spanish incursion to the 19th-century glories of the Spanish-American War, the good old days, when America's expansion was supported by Manifest Destiny. (Your new publicist, the tiny American actor, Mel Gibson, might be very helpful in underscoring the spiritual values of such an attack.) Heck, just to be true to history, you could invade Cuba, too.

Best regards,
A steadfast friend, faithful in a time when your friendships are rapidly dwindling.

"RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com)
Feedback, and requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged.


Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law.
All copyrights belong to original publisher.

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8:05:58 AM    comment

- Donald Rumsfeld Tongue Tied & Stuttering, MoveOn
- The True Majority Marks One Year Since The War Began, True Majority
- Honor All Who Have Died In Iraq - Register To Vote, Working Assets
- Bush Administration's 237 Misleading Statements on Iraq, by Congressman Henry Waxman

"This conjures up Winston Churchill's famous phrase when he said--don't quote me on this, okay? I don't want to be quoted on this, so don't quote me. He said `sometimes the truth is so precious it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies.'"
- - Donald Rumsfeld, (A Pentagon briefing  on Sept. 25, 2001

-- The shrub gang began their shock & awe assault on the city of Baghdad, dropping millions & millions of US taxpayers' dollars worth of bombs, including models with depleted uranium.  Many of the mass destructing weapons dropped on the millions of innocent citizens of Baghdad didn't cost the US taxpayers anything, since they were demo models of new weapons provided by hopeful military industry contractors.

Last Sunday, the mind twisting poet & US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was caught tongue tied & stuttering having blatantly contradicted his own past statements. MoveOn has posted a brief video clip of the moment. Well worth a few minutes of your time.
Check it out at:  http://www.moveon.org/censure/caughtonvideo

This one clear example of the shrub gang lies which sent our young men & women into harms way is just that: one example. To ponder 237 more, check out today's RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE entitled, "Bush Administration's 237 Misleading Statements on Iraq" presented by California Congressman Henry Waxman. It provides a summary of, and links to, "The Iraq on the Record Report", a comprehensive examination of statements made by 5 shrub gang leaders, most responsible for the lies that shaped public opinion on Iraq: the shrub,  dick cheney, rummie, colin powell, & condie rice.

The Rhino joins the chorus of millions of Americans now demanding, at a minimum, that Congress censure the dubya. It's our Representatives' duty to formally reprimand him for misleading us. I urge you to call your Representative today (or Monday).

The True Majority Marks One Year Since The War Began
The lobbying organization, TrueMajority, is urging each of us to mark the first anniversary of the war on Iraq in our own ways. Some may silently pray. Others will join public rallies condemning the war.  TrueMajority has joined with MoveOn.org and the Win Without War coalition to run a series of ads in print and on TV calling on Congress to hold Bush accountable.  Below, are some resources to help you in whatever way you choose to get involved.

Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper calling for Bush to be held accountable.
Click here. It's easy.  Letter to the Editor

For public rallies and teach-ins around the nation, check out the "upcoming events" section on the left-hand side of the United for Peace and Justice Web site at http://www.unitedforpeace.org.

For help in putting together a moment of prayer in your local house of worship this weekend, check out the National Council of Churches at www.ncccusa.org/iraq/firstanniversary/timetoreflect.html ( Time to Reflect ).
If you haven't done so already, send Congress a fax calling for censure of the president here:

Honor All Who Have Died In Iraq - Register To Vote
And/or Convince Your Friends & Relatives To Register
The Rhino reels when pondering the fact that half of all Americans eligible to vote are not registered. And half of those registered, don't vote. And yet America sees it as appropriate to send its youth overseas to kill and die for what? For democracy.  The organization Working Assets is working to register 1 million new voters by the presidential election. What better way to "Support Our Troops" than to register if you're not, or encourage your friends and rels who aren't to register.

A year ago, the United States invaded Iraq. Working Assets has committed to registering a million new voters by November 2004 - and we've already registered over 300,000.  We urge you to register to vote. We make it really easy to do so here:

Just fill out the online form, print it, sign it, stamp it and mail it in to your Secretary of State or state election office at the address pre-printed on the form. Did you know that most people who actually vote do so because a friend or family member urges them to do so? So please pass this along to all those you know and then remind them to vote in November.

7:45:18 AM    comment

Bush Administration's 237 Misleading Statements on Iraq
Presented by Congressman Henry Waxman, t r u t h o u t, 17 March 2004

Background - On March 19, 2003, U.S. forces began military operations in Iraq. Addressing the nation about the purpose of the war on the day the bombing began, President Bush stated: "The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder." One year later, many doubts have been raised regarding the Administration's assertions about the threat posed by Iraq. Prior to the war in Iraq, the President and his advisors repeatedly claimed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction that jeopardized the security of the United States. The failure to discover these weapons after the war has led to questions about whether the President and his advisors were candid in describing Iraq's threat.

The Report - The Iraq on the Record Report, prepared at the request of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, is a comprehensive examination of the statements made by the five Administration officials most responsible for providing public information and shaping public opinion on Iraq: President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

The Database - This database identifies 237 specific misleading statements about the threat posed by Iraq made by these five officials in 125 public appearances in the time leading up to and after the commencement of hostilities in Iraq. The search options on the left can be used to find statements by any combination of speaker, subject, keyword, or date.

Methodology - The Special Investigations Division compiled a database of statements about Iraq made by President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary Powell, and National Security Advisor Rice. All of the statements in the database were drawn from speeches, press conferences and briefings, interviews, written statements, and testimony by the five officials. This Iraq on the Record database contains statements made by the five officials that were misleading at the time they were made. The database does not include statements that appear in hindsight to be erroneous but were accurate reflections of the views of intelligence officials at the time they were made.

For more information, see the Full Iraq on the Record Methodology:

To view the report:

"RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com)
Feedback, and requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged.


Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law.
All copyrights belong to original publisher.

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6:56:49 AM    comment

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