Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:57:11 PM.



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Saturday, April 2, 2005


THE QUOTE: "It appears the parents of Terri Schiavo have run out of options. The Supreme Court declined to intervene, thus representing the 10th legal judgment in favor of Mrs. Schiavo's husband and guardian, Michael, meaning the Schiavo feeding tube will soon be removed from the cable news networks."
- - Jon Stewart


April 2nd, 1958 -- San Francisco Chronicle newspaper columnist Herb Caen coins the term "beatnik" (a pun on "sputnik").
April 2nd, 1965 -- Ken Kesey busted for marijuana the first time. Musta been the last time, given its addictive qualities or Kesey would've become a heroin junkie which he never did. His classic novel "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" was a vehicle for his anarchist rant against the oppressive conformism imposed by society's institutions. He was also immortalized in Tom Wolfe's "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test."
April 2nd, 1974 -- US President "I Am Not A Crook" Richard M. Nixon is informed by the Internal Revenue Service that he owes the government $271,148.72 in back taxes for the years 1970, 1971, & 1972, plus a 5% negligence penalty of $13,554.44. It was of course Dick who proclaimed to the nation "I am not a crook." If this was you, under the three strikes & you're out laws, you'd be doing hard time.
April 3rd, 1868 -- A Hawaiian surfs on highest wave ever, he rides a 50' tidal wave.
April 3rd, 1910 -- Highest mountain in North America, Alaska's Denali climbed.
April 3rd, 1965 -- Students at UC Berkeley circulate a flyer claiming seismologist Dr. Charles Richter suggested the next big earthquake would be centered in the East Bay. It was a tongue-in-cheek ad for the Johnny Otis Show at Zellerbach Hall which, the flyer said, met all State earthquake requirements.

Tune In
By Don Hazen, AlterNet, March 31, 2005

Marking Air America's one-year anniversary, 'Left of the Dial' chronicles the fits and starts of the feisty talk radio channel, serving as a progressive success story, warts and all.

Thursday, March 31 is the first anniversary of Air America, the feisty talk radio channel that -- despite daunting odds and early behind-the-scenes financial delusions -- has reached the one-year mark healthy and outspoken, an effective and unique voice in a world long dominated by right-wing talk maniacs. Marking the anniversary is the no-holds-barred HBO film Left of the Dial, a terrifically entertaining, intimate documentary that looks at the very bumpy road that led to the launch of Air America. The show debuts twice on March 31 (and airs April 5, 6 and 9 on various HBO stations). So, all readers with HBO -- get those TiVOs working, invite your friends over for a viewing party, make a copy and spread it around ... er, just kidding about that one ... but this film must be seen by millions of people still hurting from Nov. 2, for some much-needed warm and fuzzy feelings...

MORE: http://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/21642


No bull: animal rights group to stage 'running of the nudes'
AFP, Mar 22, 2005

MADRID (AFP) - The annual "running of the bulls" in the northern Spanish town of Pamplona could get some serious competition this year, in the form of a rival run by naked humans protesting cruelty to animals. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) group, which has protested against the event in the past, even announced that it was asking the town authorities to replace the traditional bull-chase with its "running of the nudes." The nine-day San Fermin festival, due to start on July 6, traditionally involves hundreds of runners, including many tourists, trying to outrace a herd of bulls, who chase them through the town's narrow streets in a tradition that goes back centuries. But PETA, which last year unleashed several protesters wearing nothing but fake horns and sandals into the streets of Pamplona, said it wants to turn the 'Running of the Nudes' into the official event this year to protest cruelty against animals...

MORE: http://tinyurl.com/49wvr


10:48:02 AM    comment

The Racist Mascot from Urbana-Champaign
Why You Should Boo Illinois


The self-styled "Fighting Illini" of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are on their way to the NCAA Final Four in St. Louis with their racist and genocidal sports teams mascot, Chief Illiniwak, still in tow. In his "Year 501: The Conquest Continues" (1993) Noam Chomsky suggests an apt metaphor for such American Indian sports mascots that I will elaborate upon here in order to conform to our local and most peculiar rites on this campus: Suppose the Nazis had won the Second World War. Sixty years later, a prestigious German state university has a mascot for all of its sports teams and sports fans by the name of "The Rabbi." Basically what happens is that a student from the White Aryan Youth League dresses up in an authentic costume for an Hasidic Rabbi, complete with the curl-locks and beard. The sports teams collectively call themselves "The Fighting Jews", and the school's band is called "The Marching ! Jews." All the sports fans in town wear jackets and t-shirts with pictures of The Rabbi prominently displayed on them. And most cars have Rabbi stickers planted all over them. A year ago the University's Board of Trustees ran out of town on a rail a courageous and principled Chancellor who had the temerity to publicly suggest that the time had now come to "retire" the Rabbi. So of course there is a heated campaign on among the students and alumni to "Save the Rabbi!"...

MORE: http://www.counterpunch.org/boyle03302005.html

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9:09:55 AM    comment

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