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Updated: 12/5/05; 12:57:12 PM.



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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

- Younger Workers & Social Security: Privatization of the Program Undermines Their Future, Common Dreams
- RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE: Death By Design - The Plot To Destroy Social Insurance, The Black Commentator

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."

- - Elie Wiesel (Nobel laureate)

1945 -- US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 63, dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia. Vice-President Harry S. Truman was sworn in as the next President.

On this, the 60th anniversary of the passing of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, I offer a few thoughtful pieces on the current state of the security of social life in the USA, the most important part of his legacy..

Here's a brief timeline of FDR's life:
1882 - Born in Hyde Park, New York,
1910 - elected to New York Senate
1921 - Democrat nominee for vice president
Same Year - Stricken with polio, confined to braces & wheelchairs
1928 - elected governor of New York
1932 - Elected US President at the height of the depression.

The only US President elected to 4 terms, Roosevelt led the nation for 12 years, through the Great Depression & World War II. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, less than 3 months after he began his 4th term. It seems to the Rhino that the shrub gang is doing everything they can to destroy the most important pieces of Roosevelt's legacy, both the policies & programs, & the spirit of The New Deal.

The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute's web site for The Universal Declaration of Human Rights AT: http://www.udhr.org


Younger Workers and Social Security:
Privatization of the Program Undermines Their Future

by Seth Sandronsky, Common Dreams, 4/10/05

These are tough time for many younger workers in the U.S. Real wages, what they can actually buy with their pay, are falling. The costs of gas, health care and shelter are climbing. Student loans to attend college are fueling debt for younger workers. Meanwhile, workers age 20 to 24 got about 4% of the new jobs created in the year ended March 2005 versus 42% for workers over age 55. Squeezed from many directions, some younger workers fear that Social Security will not be around for their retirements. The Bush administration is playing on that fear. It is fed by some reporting in mass media.

A Washington Post article said younger workers "have the most to gain" from President Bush's plan to create private accounts to fund Social Security (3-15-05). A Christian Science Monitor article said a change to private accounts from the current system of payroll taxes would "sweeten the system for younger workers" (3-3-05). Both articles are incorrect on private accounts for younger workers. How? The private accounts invested in the stock market would pay, barely, for the administrative costs of such investments. Thus there is no net gain for younger workers. For more information, see the Accurate Benefit Calculator

For a preview of retirement funded by the stock market, younger workers should look to workers over age 55. They are flooding into the job market because their 401(k) retirement plans in the stock market have dropped in value. That factor helps explain why older workers took roughly half of the new jobs created in the U.S. for the past year, says Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC...
MORE: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0410-25.htm

The BOTTOM LINE is by Dr. Maya Rockeymoore, who formally served on the Social Security Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways & Means. She's co-editor of "Strengthening Communities: Social Insurance in a Diverse America" and author of "The Political Action Handbook: A How To Guide for the Hip Hop Generation."


11:17:13 AM    comment

Death By Design - The Plot To Destroy Social Insurance
by Maya Rockeymoore, PhD, The Black Commentator, 4/8/05

Our nation's political leaders are looting the federal treasury and they expect ordinary citizens not to notice. Last week's coverage of the release of the Social Security and Medicare Trustee's Report proves one thing about contemporary news: Those who control the mic, control the sound byte... and our perception of reality.

Despite the Trustee's report clearly showing the more immediate financial problems facing the Medicare program - which they projected will become insolvent in the year 2020 - most mainstream news sources focused on the Trustee's less dramatic Social Security estimates which moved up the date at which the trust fund is expected to be "exhausted" from 2042 to 2041.

How has it come to pass that we are actually facing a short-term crisis in Medicare but the nation is fixated on the more distant Social Security shortfall? More importantly, how does this bait and switch tactic obscure the likely impact of Medicare's financing problems on the millions of African American elderly, disabled, and poor people who rely on the program as their only source of health care?...

MORE: http://www.blackcommentator.com/133/133_cover_rockeymoore.html

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