Updated: 2/12/02; 9:56:26 AM.
Swaine's World Weblog
We hope that the world will not narrow into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood. -Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963

Saturday, February 9, 2002


"It's strange to reflect that electronic digital computers were invented to replace women. [Rows of WACs, or in Britain WRENs, each punching keys on a desk calculator, each computing her tiny task of some large computing problem.] Stranger still to realize that, for some (male) programmers, the replacement seems to have succeeded beyond expectations. If this paragraph has nothing to do with you, please take no offense. But if you recognize yourself in this picture, take a break. Log off. Shut down, Talk to people."-from "Swaine's Flames" in Dr. Dobb's Journal, January 1989.
4:56:44 PM    

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