Marketing 101. Consulting 101. PHP Consulting. Random geeky stuff. I Blog Therefore I Am.

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Updated: 2/1/2003; 5:47:17 AM.

My Newest Product!

  • Makes email not suck!
  • Works with Outlook
  • Eliminates Spam
  • Color Codes Your Email


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 Saturday, January 04, 2003

Wow!  Dave is Moving On...

I may be the only one who missed this but just in case:

Believe it or not I'm applying for a job in academia, so it's time to put together my curriculum vitae. It's a fancy name for a resume. Basically, the job I want to do is the one I have been doing, with some extras (like teaching), but not in the context of a commercial software company. [_Go_]

Congrats !  And best of luck to you. 

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Spam Filters Changing Things

I saw this over at Keith who got it from Adam who got it from Paul Graham:

If the email software implements them properly, statistical filters should send nearly all spams straight to the spam folder, and this will decrease response rates dramatically.  [_Go_]

Obviously I'm biased here but I'd have to say "NO".  Filters won't kill spam but they will make it better.  Much better with good filters.  Look at it this way -- the risk from viruses are much higher than from Spam and we still haven't solved the virus issue yet.

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The "Bloggies" or Apparently Weblogs Can Get Awards

How very interesting.  There's a deadline for nominations / voting of January 13th so if you care, check it out.  [_Go_]

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Feeling Happy

It always make you feel at least moderately happy when you detect someone that tried to hack sites you've created and you see that it just didn't work.  I just found somone submitting php code to try and read my password file.  Phew!  Glad I handled that one correctly.  (And, no, I'm not posting the code.  Not that it's hard but why bother spreading bad ideas?)

Oh and just a note to folks -- I always capture the user's IP address for future banning when I grab data from the public Internet.  It's a little extra work and oh so useful.

11:53:55 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This