According to critics, an eavesdropper, constantly striving to go behind the curtains of heaven in order to steal divine secrets. May grant wishes.

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Travel, around the world. Sleep, less. Profit, more. Eat, deliciously. Find, a new home.
Species: featherless biped, chocolate addict
Roots: born in Sweden — lived also in Switzerland, USA, UK — mixed up genes from Sweden, Norway, India, Germany
Languages: French, English, Swedish, German, Portuguese, Latin, Ada, Perl, Java, assembly languages, Pascal, C/C++, etc.
Roles: entrepreneur, programme manager, methodology lead, quality and risk manager, writer, director of technology, project lead, solutions architect — as well as gardener, factory worker, farmhand, supermarket cleaner, programmer, student, teacher, language lawyer, traveller, soldier, lecturer, software engineer, philosopher, consultant

2003-Jul-09 [this day]

Cosmic rays and climate change

Nature admits that climate can radically change without human action: Cosmic rays thrown out by dying stars in the dust-rich arms of the Milky Way increase the number of charged particles in our atmosphere. There is some evidence that these may encourage low-level clouds to form, which cool the Earth. ... cosmic rays alone can account for 75% of the change in global climate during [the past 500 million years], [and] less than half of the global warming seen since the beginning of the twentieth century is due to greenhouse gases.

Still leaving open the question of what is preferable for human life: a warmer or a cooler climate? I prefer the hot beaches of Brazil to the frozen tundra of Siberia, and our civilization would not exist if the latest Ice Age hadn't been (temporarily) replaced by the currently much warmer climate. Without global warming there would be no agriculture, no cities, no writing, no laws, no science, no industrial revolution, no cars, no airplanes, no information technology, etc. It is important to keep in mind that the current interglacial period, which started 11,000 years ago, is The Rise of Mankind, from caves to space stations.

See also: More active sun, warmer climate [surprise!] (2003-Mar-22)
Rare UK snowfalls [and the European Little Ice Age] (2003-Jan-08)
The witch hunt against a skeptical environmentalist (2003-Jan-08)
Major, natural climate variations (2002-Oct-25)
A medieval warm period in Asia (2002-Oct-14)
Antarctic getting colder, not warmer [thus contradicting all climate models that blame global warming on human action] (2002-Oct-03)
100,000-year climate pattern linked to sun's magnetic cycles (2002-Jun-13)
Scientific American and Politics vs Science (2002-May-10)
An oversupply of false bad news [is the motor of environmentalism] (2002-May-10)
The Doomslayer [aka Julian Simon] (2002-May-09) [this item]

July 2003
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Delenda est. Sic tempus fugit. Ad baculum, ad hominem, ad nauseamque. Non sequitur.