Microsoft FrontPage Support Radio Weblog :
Tips and Frequently Asked Questions for Users of Microsoft® FrontPage®.
Updated: 1/20/2003; 8:30:56 PM.


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Tutorial: Using FrontPage with Radio Weblogs

Sunday, February 24, 2002

I decide to change the feature I was using to allow visitors to post comments to my weblogs.  I was surfing around different logs and found a good script provided by YACCS that works a lot better.  One of the features I really liked was the ability to customize the comment box as well as to go to your Radio News Aggregator, and subscribe to your own comments!  Now I don't have to scroll down my page to see if anyone posted a comment.

Jenny Levine from The Shifted Librarian has written a step-by-step guide for installing YACCS on Radio Userland weblogs which is where I found out about this feature.

Feel Free to post any comments you'd like.  I have a thick skin..

11:02:44 PM  .    

Just added a cool script that allows your visitors to open links on your site in a new window.  Sure beats having to add all those "Target" tags to your links.  That's one of the great things about the Internet.  When there's something or some effect you're trying to do, or achieve, on your web site, there's usually some place you can go to where someone has already done it for you and is willing to share.

9:38:58 PM  .    

It's a quiet night tonight.  Not many people asking questions in the newsgroups I support today.  Been busy working on some sites for a few customers so I only had time to add just a few more Frequently Asked Questions and Tips.

Just realized that when I mentioned add-ons for FrontPage I completely forgot to mention that you can get Service Packs (SR1 for FrontPage 2002/Office XP is available) and other downloads for Frontpage on the Microsoft FrontPage web site.  This is a great place to visit every so often to make sure you have the latest updates as well as some of the cool new tools you can download.

8:57:41 PM  .    

When designing your web site there are a number of issues you have to think about. One of the hottest topics today is Universal Accessibility - making your web site accessible to everyone.  If you're interested in making sure that everyone has access to your site, there are some great links and Web Site Accessibility Resources provided by one of our Frontpage MVPs that has keen interest in this area.

You can also find tools, such as Bobby, that will analyze your web site to help you determine if the site has any barriers to people with disabilities.

In addition to checking your site for accessibility there are also a number of HTML Validation services available to check and see if your code is cross-browser compliant (can your pages be viewed in all browsers) as well as to give you more information on how to improve your site.

9:41:03 AM  .    

One of the things that many FrontPage users always ask for are more features to enhance their sites.  There are a number of FrontPage add-ons that can be downloaded from the FrontPage Add-in Center. You can also find general add-ons that improve the functions in FrontPage from Jimco Add-Ins.

Some of the best that I've found include J-Bots 2002, which features over 25 components to enhance your web site, and Meta Tag Maker 2002, which helps you to create and properly format Meta tags on your pages to prepare them for search engine indexing.  Websunlimited also has other great add-ons availabe besides just these two.

If you're looking to start an e-commerce site you can try Storefront or the bCentral Commerce Manager add-in.  If you want more themes or applets for your site you might want to try Theme-Pak or FrontLook.

As you browse around you find that there are all types of add-ins and downloads you can get to improve your website and make your job easier in setting up new sites or maintaining old ones.

9:18:51 AM  .    

© Copyright 2003 David Berry.
Comments by: YACCS

All products and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Microsoft® and FrontPage® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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David Berry is a Co- Author for FrontPage 2000 Unleashed and FrontPage 2002 Unleashed