Microsoft FrontPage Support Radio Weblog :
Tips and Frequently Asked Questions for Users of Microsoft® FrontPage®.
Updated: 1/20/2003; 8:31:42 PM.


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Tutorial: Using FrontPage with Radio Weblogs

Friday, March 01, 2002

Jump to a specific line number in your code

If you've ever recieved an error on your page, that indicates a problem at a specific line number, it may be easy enough to track that error down.  But what if it's a large page or contains a lot of coding?  Then how do you find the line number quickly?

If you switch to HTML View, by clicking on the HTML tab in Page view, you can easily jump to a specific line number in your code.

  1. Right-click anywhere in the HTML tab, and then click Go To on the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Enter line number box, type the number of the line you want to go to.

Tip: If you look in the left corner of your status bar (in HTML View) you'll see the line number and column number displayed.

6:16:12 AM  .    

XP update to sport more than just fixes. Along with squashing bugs, as service packs normally do, Microsoft's first major update to its XP operating system will add support for Tablet PCs and a fancier graphical interface. [CNET]

For those of you still deciding on whether or not to upgrade to Windows XP, if you plan to develop and test your FrontPage webs locally then you want to go with Windows XP Professional, which has Internet Information Server (IIS) built-in.

5:12:53 AM  .    

© Copyright 2003 David Berry.
Comments by: YACCS

All products and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Microsoft® and FrontPage® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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David Berry is a Co- Author for FrontPage 2000 Unleashed and FrontPage 2002 Unleashed