It actually was pretty easy to set up once I got it through my thick skull that Port 80 wasn't working becuase Radio was on 8080! Oh well. It's been an interesting night. I was going to write some more FrontPage stuff but I've been too busy playing with this and answering emails.
Have you ever been to a site that had an error but the error it showed wasn't the normal "canned" one you usually see? These are custom pages.
Custom error pages are nothing more than plain HTML pages that you design to match the look and feel of your site. Each of these pages would display one of the common HTTP error messages generated by the web server as a replacement for the default ones provided or generated by the web server.
The most commonly seen error message is the 404, Page Not Found error.
Before you rush off to create one or more of these page, you will to need first realize that they will only work if you own your own domain. Second, it is up to your hosting service whether or not you will be able to implement them for your domain.
If your site is on a NT/IIS4 or W2K/IIS5 server, they must be setup by the hosting service. If you are hosted under Unix you may or may not be able to implement them yourself.
Some examples of custom 404 error pages can be found at:
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