Microsoft FrontPage Support Radio Weblog :
Tips and Frequently Asked Questions for Users of Microsoft® FrontPage®.
Updated: 1/20/2003; 8:31:52 PM.


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Tutorial: Using FrontPage with Radio Weblogs

Sunday, March 31, 2002

Happy Easter!  Since it's Easter I thought I'd post a FrontPage "Easter Egg" for you.

Easter egg, n.

1. A message hidden in the object code of a program as a joke, intended to be found by persons disassembling or browsing the code.

2. A message, graphic, or sound effect emitted by a program in response to some undocumented set of commands or keystrokes, intended as a joke or to display program credits.

-- from The Jargon File

To see the Easter Egg in FrontPage:

  1. Open FrontPage
  2. Hold the Shift Key and never let it go. 
  3. Click Help, then About, then Ok (Repeat 3 times).
  4. The credits screen should appear with a song.

You can find more Easter Eggs for different programs at the Easter Egg Archive (and various other places as well).

7:46:00 PM  .    

Go to a line number on the HTML tab in Page view

Have you ever been testing out your site and saw an error message in the browser that pointed to a specific line number in your code? To find the line quickly, switch to the HTML tab in Page view and use the following steps to jump to a specific line number in your code.

  1. Right-click anywhere in the HTML tab, and then click Go To on the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Enter line number box, type the number of the line you want to go to.

7:21:34 PM  .    

Show or hide color coding of HTML

When you edit a page using the HTML tab in Page view, Microsoft FrontPage automatically color codes HTML to distinguish between tags, attributes, and values, as well as comments and scripts.

  • To show color coding, right-click anywhere in the HTML tab, and then click Show Color Coding on the shortcut menu.
  • To hide color coding once the Show Color Coding command is checked, click Show Color Coding to clear the check mark.

If you're working on a complex site, such as one with nested tables, then having color coding turned on can quickly show you where a "broken" HTML tag may be.  For example, if you were missing a closing table tag, all of the code after the broken/missing tag would change to one color and you'd be able to quickly see where the problem was.

Tip   If you want to modify which colors FrontPage uses to display HTML, click Page Options on the Tools menu, click the Color Coding tab, and then select the colors you want to use.

7:18:15 PM  .    

© Copyright 2003 David Berry.
Comments by: YACCS

All products and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Microsoft® and FrontPage® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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David Berry is a Co- Author for FrontPage 2000 Unleashed and FrontPage 2002 Unleashed