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Tutorial: Using FrontPage with Radio Weblogs

Using FrontPage to create a Daily Weblog entry

Now that we've gotten through the hard part, I'm going to go through a few quick tutorials that will help you "spruce up" your Weblog before we jump off the deep end again and talk about templates and themes.

Because Radio handles to much of the web design process for you, adding an entry to your Daily Weblog is fairly simple using the Radio interface.  So if it's so simple then why would you want to use FrontPage to make an entry?  Control.

When I work on a site I like everything laid out a particular way.  Adding items to my Daily Weblog is no exception. As you've noticed in these tutorials, I have shadow boxes, screen captures and other formatting elements on my pages.  Could I have done it from the Radio Interface?  Probably.  But that would have meant switching to Source view and hand coding the HTML myself, something I haven't done in years.

So how can I add an entry to my Weblog and still be creative about the layout?  Hmm.  Hey, I could use FrontPage!  Here's what you do.

  1. Open FrontPage and choose File, New Page (in most cases FrontPage will automatically open to a blank page).
  2. Type your content and apply any special formatting you'd like.  For example, you could add a Table to hold an image an align it so the text wraps around it.
  3. Switch to HTML View by clicking the HTML tab at the bottom of the Window.
  4. Select everything BETWEEN (but not including) the <BODY> and </BODY> tags.
  5. Choose Edit, Copy (Ctrl+C).
  6. Open your Radio Home Page
  7. Switch to Source View where you type in your log entry.
  8. Paste in your FrontPage code, Ctrl+V
  9. Switch back to WYSISWG mode and make sure everything looks ok.
  10. Post to Weblog.

That's it.  As I said, there's not much to this section but it's useful to know if you want better control over the layout of your entry.  Learning how to do this will also be useful when I discuss templates and themes.


If you want your entry to have the same style as the theme on your Weblog then leave all your text set to "default font"



© Copyright 2003 David Berry.
Last update: 1/20/2003; 8:30:51 PM.

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