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Tutorial: Using FrontPage with Radio Weblogs

Uploading files to your Weblog

Now for the fun part.  There are actually several ways to do this depending on what you're trying to accomplish.  Since Radio will upstream and serve any HTML file you can create then all you really need to do is save your file (with a .html file extension) to your WWW folder and let Radio publish (upstream) it.

If you want the file in it's own folder then open the directory, C:\Program Files\Radio UserLand\www in Windows Explorer and choose File, New Folder and give the folder any name you'd like.  The next time you start Radio it will publish the new folder and all the files you place in it. (Note, this may take several minutes) 

You can then access your files from your web browser by typing in the direct URL to them.  For example, when I created this tutorial I made a test directory called "tutorials" and a sample file called categories.html.  Now I can access that file from the following URL:


You can verify that your files and folders have been published to your Weblog by looking at the Event Log from your Radio Home page.  If you click on the name of the file you uploaded you'll be able to see the actual URL to the file and open it in your browser.

If you already have Radio open or if you've added a large number of files and folders and want to get them published quicker, you can also open Radio by right-clicking on the Radio icon in your system tray and choose Radio, Publish, Entire Website as shown in Figure 3.1 below.

Figure 3.1  Using Radio to Publish your Web Site

Before I begin talking about integrating your FrontPage files into your Weblog theme I think it's important to briefly discuss the types of File Extensions that Radio uses.



© Copyright 2003 David Berry.
Last update: 1/20/2003; 8:30:50 PM.

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