More die as troops open fire on Mosul crowd. Iraq: Community leaders in Mosul appealed for calm yesterday after US forces became involved in a lethal firefight in the city centre for the second day running. [Guardian Unlimited]
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The Blair generation. Next month Tony Blair turns 50, an age he admits dreading. He is in good company. Andy Beckett reports. [Guardian Unlimited]
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Death of a cheerleader. Red Herring is gone, and so is the boom it chronicled. But the magazine's optimism wasn't misplaced -- it was right on target. []
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Future: Is there life after the browser?. New technologies raise questions about what form the browser will take as the Internet is used increasingly for functions that go beyond simply reading Web pages. [CNET]
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Gadgets That Warm to the Real You. Consumer electronics makers large and small are turning their attention to biometric security: identifying people by their physical and behavioral markers. [New York Times: Technology]
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Dan Gillmor's eJournal: Honeypots Work, but Raise Legal Questions. 'The deployment of "honeypot'' snares to trap and study malicious computer hacking is gaining credence in the networked world. But the practice, however useful, raises legal and ethical issues.'
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Evelle J. Younger. "An incompetent attorney can delay a trial for months or years. A competent attorney can delay one even longer." [Quotes of the Day]
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Profits at Apple Computer Are Down 65% in Quarter. Apple Computer Inc. reported lower profits on Wednesday, but the results still exceeded analysts' expectations by 2 cents a share. [New York Times: Technology]
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From Boing Boing Blog: Paul Allen building science fiction museum. Paul Allen, the billionaire ex-MSFTie, is launching a science fiction museum in Seattle, complete with real sf writers on the Board of Directors -- who apparently don't have much say in the project: "Plans call for a hall of fame for science-fiction heroes, another hall shaped like the interior of a spaceship and a third that would commemorate terrifying aliens and other evil creatures. SFX's advisory board includes the science-fiction writers Greg Bear, Ray Bradbury, Octavia Butler and Arthur C. Clarke." Link
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