11:25:37 PM # your two cents []
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Just back from a lovely hour and 45 minutes with one of my favourite writers, William Gibson. With the sun streaming in through a window behind a mushy sofa, we talked everything from writing novels to September 11th to tech to utopias/dystopias and of course, his blog, http://www.williamgibsonbooks.com/blog/blog.asp. The resultant article will run in Friday's Irish Times and I will post it here as well.
I hate to say it but it looks like one of the reasons a reading didn't happen in Dublin is because of the Irish Times limiting the events it supports these days. I'm not sure why a sponsor wasn't sought elsewhere. Gibson clearly likes getting out to meet readers and to do readings, and is genuinely disappointed not to have been able to do that here. Since he didn't come through Dublin on the tour for his previous novel, All Tomorrow's Parties, it's been a good few years since readers have had a chance to Meet Da Man.
He's a delightful person to talk to, and I think Pattern Recognition is one of his best works, maybe his best. My favourites are Idoru and Neuromancer and it's right up there with those. But Pattern Recognition pushes into new places and is doing new things. It's utterly Gibsonesque -- smart without being glib, wry without being jaded, hip, funny, gritty, totally unpatronising of its characters and readers. But, as he says himself somewhere on his blog, it stretched and stretches him. We're in the present, not the future, and that's in some ways a harder place to write about. He does it in a way no other writer does it, out on the edge of things.
And Pattern Recognition is, in all the best possible ways (excuse me, but I must be blunt here) jacking-off material for geeks. Steganography, Echelon, crypto, Mac iBooks and Cubes, the NSA, digital watermarking, Curta calculators, obsessive net bulletin board communities. It will elicit little gasps of quiet pleasure all the way through. Highly recommended. And by the way -- boy, is William Gibson tall! I am 5'8" and was wearing 3" heeled boots, and when we stood to shake hands before I left, he unfolded out of the couch to still stand well above me. A tall soul to keep tethered, too, as he wanders the globe (hint -- if that sounds weirdly Californian: read the book!).
2:57:23 PM # your two cents []
10:03:17 AM # your two cents []
10:01:42 AM # your two cents []
Danny O'Brien. Hee hee!...:Don't preach: Madonna floods the P2P networks with an MP3 of her saying "What the fuck do you think you're doing?". To quote the Wombles, making good use of the things that we find. [Oblomovka]
10:00:56 AM # your two cents []
Although ratios varied widely from one bar to the other, I found that on average, in the cities of Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Mountain View, the male to female ratio was about 5 to 3. More precisely, I found that the ratio was about 62% men to 38% women (95% confidence interval for men = [59.46%, 64.54%]). These ratios differed widely depending on the type of bar that was surveyed, and were sometimes as high as 3-to-1.Link [Boing Boing Blog]
9:59:29 AM # your two cents []
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9:48:46 AM # your two cents []
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