Andre Radke: I finally managed to produce a working [XSLT processor] for Frontier and Radio based on the Ginger Alliance's Sablotron. Andre has just started to fulfill one of my pet dreams. As he warns, this release is for thrill seekers only.
Raphael Szwarc: Thanks to Paul Scott Murphy, ZOË now has a XML-RPC interface. Zoe listens for xml-rpc requests on port 10123. To find out which Zoe methods you may call, you need to look into Paul's Python demo code, or into Zoe's fascinating Java sources.
Both projects are first rate attempts at pushing the envelope. What they both lack, for the busy computer scientist, not to mention the casual user, is a minimum set of workable docs.
This really is the bane of our profession. I find myself spending more time writing about activeRenderer and outliners, supporting early adopters, than doing actual programming.
Even thus, support for something as simple as activeRenderer is far from adequate.