Personal KM : managing personal information in the Internet era
Updated: 6/5/2003; 11:20:38 PM.


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Sunday, February 02, 2003

Text Information made into audio - KiMformation asks Is audio the way to go? - has some amazing audio products, including TextAloud MP3 ($24.95/20-day free trial), NewsAloud (beta release, $19.95/15-day free trial), WeatherAloud ($19.95/15-day free trial), Stocks Aloud ($14.95/15-day free trial), and Groups Aloud for USENET newsgroups (beta release $19.95, later $29.95/15-day free trial).  Some of these products can also be purchased in bundles, at a savings.

So, in theory [one could use this this to] proofread my work (hear my own words) or read my email or snippets from web pages while doing other things, like running a Google search or opening snail-mail.  Hooray for multi-tasking!  We're a part of an information explosion, and our dilemma is too much information and too little time.  Could audio, then, be the way to go?  It remains to be seen whether any of these programs have a practical application for me that would warrant the expense, but the idea is definitely intriguing.  And, yeah, the speech needs to be a lot better, but I was impressed at how good it was and how many voice settings and options there are.  (These products also support AT&T Natural Voices, which is sold as an add-on for $25.00.)  [via KiMformation]

3:49:49 PM    comment []

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