Updated: 10/26/02; 11:33:55 PM.
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Thursday, October 10, 2002

A quick post from our own Lori MacVittie

You know, I used to use "net send" to annoy other members of the tech architecture team when we were bored. A batch file makes it nearly impossible to get anything done, which in the right environment will start a nasty rubber band war. But I never extended it to spam.

The question is, how long before some ad service decides to take advantage of this?

In other weird news, a mall in Georgia has taken the pop-up ads and started using it in the mall. People pop up and annoy you to buy their stuff.

Now we just need to invent a pop-up people blocker that won't land you in prison.

Posted by Brad Shimmin at 10:55:00 PM   comment on this post  >>[]

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