Tuesday, August 13, 2002

There's an in-depth review of the ASP.NET Web Matrix environment over on The O'Reilly Network. Web Matrix is a great alternative to VisualStudio.NET if you can't afford it. The feature sets are almost identical for ASP.NET work and in some aspects Web Matrix is even superior. There's even a free book all about it from Wrox available online*.


*Shameless plug: If you want the book in hard copy, give Mimeo a try.

12:59:12 PM    
... or rather lack thereof. It seems that the XML editor in VS.NET lacks support for XSI, specifically the xsi:type attribute. Therefore, if I'm working with a schema that makes use of extended types, the editor complains about everything that isn't a part of the base element(s).
Am I missing something or is this just a feature missing from the editor?
12:40:29 AM