Friday, December 06, 2002

Show and Tell Music - Thrift Store Vinyl.. Show and Tell Music - Thrift Store Vinyl. There are lots of vinyl sites out there, but some of the items in this collection had me floored. And the quantity is just as impressive as the quality -- several pages of unintentionally funny Christian vinyl you have to see to believe. MP3 samples too! Via BoingBoing, but got lost under a lengthy EFF post (which was also good). [MetaFilter]
A must-see! [Steve's No Direction Home Page]
Say What? [] 5:30:22 PM  Permalink  

New in OJR: Early adopter and interesting guy Harry Shearer (the voice of Mr. Burns, Smithers, and Ned Flanders on "The Simpsons") sounds off about digital television, the disappearance of local radio, and record companies "bloviating." [JD's New Media Musings]

 I happen to believe that when record companies, in particular, start bloviating about "artists' rights," it is time to head for the hills with a week's supply of food and water. These guys wouldn't recognize an artist's right if it was shoved up their pantlegs.  The CD business was, and still is -- see a story in [last] week's NYT -- based on an interesting premise -- use the dubious claim of better sound quality to induce boomers to buy their favorite music again, and, hopefully, again.  When that merry-go-round slowed down, they had a sales slump.   And they blamed the consumers, for downloading instead of buying their fine new music.  Blame, threaten and sue your customers -- now there's a business model to emulate. 

[Steve's No Direction Home Page]
Say What? [] 5:28:09 PM  Permalink  

Barlow's reasons for joining the EFF [bOing bOing]

this shit ain't no joke. it's a genuine nightmare. stay informed.

Say What? [] 12:26:57 AM  Permalink