Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Dissonant Thoughts on the Music Pulitzers. John Adams, who won a Pulitzer on Monday, said the music award has "lost much of the prestige it still carries in other fields like literature and journalism." By Anne Midgette. [New York Times: Arts]

Say What? [] 2:21:14 PM  Permalink  

Roseanne Cash interview in Salon

Rosanne Cash talks about her ailing dad, the Dixie Chicks and the war, losing her voice and the new album that helped her find it again.

This is a nice follow-up to what I said about "Rules of Travel" the other day

Say What? [] 11:48:55 AM  Permalink  

The Reason Why

Is intelligent dissent at this point moot? I don't think so. Here is an excellent essay by a now 80-year-old George McGovern in a recent edition of The Nation. A quote:

Following the 9/11 tragedy at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the entire world was united in sympathy and support for America. But thanks to the arrogant unilateralism, the bullying and the clumsy, unimaginative diplomacy of Washington, Bush converted a world of support into a world united against us, with the exception of Tony Blair and one or two others.

Say What? [] 12:55:40 AM  Permalink