Sunday, April 13, 2003

'A Mighty Wind': 'Spinal Tap' for Folkies?. Christopher Guest's "A Mighty Wind" is a fictional documentary about a colorful entertainment subculture that, in the real world, approaches self-parody. By David Hajdu. [New York Times: Arts]

They did Letterman. It's a riot! I love it.

Say What? [] 12:32:50 AM  Permalink  

Annie Lennox's Bittersweet Dreams. Her last breakup album sold seven million copies worldwide. All heartbreak and self-doubt should be so productive. By Jon Pareles. [New York Times: Arts]

i'm looking forward to this.

Say What? [] 12:30:14 AM  Permalink  

Jack Kerouac's Haiku. Jack Kerouac, the poet of inordinate prose, was also a master of haiku, and a master, as always, at deformalizing the formalities of any genre. [New York Times: Opinion]
Say What? [] 12:06:49 AM  Permalink