13 September 2002 |
Herzog (Tate Modern) disses MOMA NY ("cynical and elitist") and Guggenheim Bilbao ("a very bad example for museums in the future")
5:32:06 PM
The new gallery in the former GLC building on London's South Bank will open in 2003, and is seen by some as a rival to the Tate Modern. No comment from Serota.
5:25:13 PM
"anti-radiation"-lined pockets for mobiled-up ladies and gentlemen
5:16:28 PM
Hirst uses the (fairly limited and often uninteresting) art-as-shock definition of art when he tells BBC News Online (can't find it online though) that
The thing about 9/11 is that it's kind of an artwork in its own right. It was wicked, but it was devised in this way for this kind of impact. It was devised visually [...] I think our visual language has been changed by what happened on September 11: an aeroplane becomes a weapon - and if they fly close to buildings people start panicking. Our visual language is constantly changing in this way and I think as an artist you're constantly on the lookout for things like that."
5:14:39 PM
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