Updated: 18/08/2003; 12:46:38.
mobile, product design, user experience, project and team management ... and various things

02 December 2002

  1. Zbigniew Libera's lego concentration camp - actually a pretty serious and interesting piece of art (designed to "show the gap between the ideal world marketed to children and reality"), though very controversial ("I am from Poland. I've been poisoned").
  2. lego accidents in the home, at work, in nature etc [via vt]

3:11:03 PM     comments

The truth that not a thousand books can hold the mind of a single man, but that one book can open the minds of thousands, is not disturbed by the perfect bookshop. There is no pretense of holding the slow change of titles from day to day. No recommended or approved list of books can imprison our imagination.
But in fact, the perfect bookshop is forever within the grasp of those who reach, within the eye of those who wish to see. It could be where you found the book you wanted, or the one you never knew, but found and could not leave. It may have been the place you remember as a child, gone now, as the child you were is gone now, too. It might have been the one you stopped by briefly, the name remembered only by a tag or mark, or slip. So find another! Begin another! It's you that's missing, not the shop!
[via Marko]
1:07:15 PM     comments

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