02 January 2003 |
Referrers 2002: 95%+ of traffic comes from Google searches (which means close to zero regular readers). Most of these searches have one of these as their search terms:
a mobile phone company by name or product. Most popular: Nokia, Vodafone, Ericsson, T68i, 7650
a speech recognition company or industry term (eg: voicexml)
something to do with mobile downloads, games or instant messaging
An artist
Jack Bauer/24/CTU + ringtones. (And we can't find any out there for you Googlers, sorry).
Resolutions 2003: we resolve to be more opinionated and focussed in 2003.
4:03:24 PM
AGC Sound's Say-N-Send card lets you record a 10-second message and then send it by mail for $6.95.
3:53:24 PM
Includes this interesting comment, which is infortunately not elaborated on:
What is clear is that phones that have diaries, notepads and cameras built-in are likely to triumph over handheld computers that have a phone added to them.
3:52:42 PM
The meme spreads from sci-fi fan clubs to media types.
By now, Mr. Lethem is a pretty good liar. "I’ve probably played Mafia over a hundred times," he said. Since his novel Motherless Brooklyn—the tale of a detective with Tourette’s syndrome mixed up with the Mafia in the Carroll Gardens section of Brooklyn—was published by Doubleday in 1999, the bespectacled 38-year-old has attracted many dozens to the bluffing game, a kind of personality poker played with one’s own persona as both the hand and the bet. The gist: Among a party of 12 or more people, three are secretly "mafia," trying to turn everyone else against each other and survive a cutthroat whittling-down of the players, using whatever psychological tactics are necessary. "It’s shaped by personalities in fake conflict," observed Mr. Lethem. "It’s a lot like fiction."
[via bboing]
3:51:10 PM
Tech writer Po Bronson spends 1.5 years talking to people that changed their lives, and then writes a book about it.
3:50:08 PM
"Let the visitors to your site bring you World Domination. Every visitor who clicks on the image on your site will conquer a piece of land (2° by 2°) for your domain name. All territory your site has conquered is in the same colour on the world map" - nice.
[via boingboing no doubt]
3:49:17 PM
We're stepping back from surveillance and concentrating more on controlling access," said Cristian Ivanescu, chief technology officer of Graphco Technologies. [...] It turns out that facial-scan technology works best when it's used to confirm whether people are who they say they are. Picking a crook out of a cast of thousands is a lot harder, and false alarms are more common.
Related: The myth of airport biometrics: Although the biometric scanners at SFO actually work, they cost more than they were worth.
3:48:11 PM
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