01 August 2003 |
Counterfactual History is sometimes controversial (see this discussion of E.H.Carr's 'Counterfactual History is Bunk', and this), but it can be very thought-provoking and tempting - many WW2 geeks will have considered an alternate outcome if Germany had taken Stalingrad, or if the US hadn't had logistical superiority in tank building (or any one of a dozen other scenarios).
ed Robert Cowley: What If? Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been (1999) (am.co.uk | allconsuming), and More What If? (2002) (am.co.uk | allconsuming)
ed Niall Ferguson: Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals (1997) (am.co.uk | allconsuming)
Counter-factual fiction: too many to mention (Churchill, Deighton, Harris, Carr and many others just in the military section, and Kim Stanley Robinson's The Years of Rice and Salt recently), so: Uchronia has a gigantic list of counterfactual books
possibly some good stuff in this DMoz alternate history directory
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12:21:16 PM
The other thing to try on mixed IVR and human cust-service systems is press or say nothing. [via electrolite]
12:19:38 PM
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