Monday, May 5, 2003



He received a disturbing phone call from a friend who told him of a pilot in trouble, of a plane with faulty landing gear. The jet was circling the airport dumping fuel, getting ready for a crash landing.

He walked outside to see for himself. He looked up and saw it going around, its landing lights shining brightly. He waved to the plane, wondering if the pilot could see him offering his support.

His emotions were on edge. With the phone still in his hand, he tried contacting people to join him in prayer. He looked for his church directory but could not find it. Instead, he made a few frantic calls to people whose numbers he knew. And after each, he would step outside and look up.

At some point, he stepped outside and could see no lights and hear no sound. His phone rang. It was one of his friends. She told him the pilot had come thru ok.

The next day, he proclaimed to his colleagues at work, Prayer works! God is good!


She spoke of a woman she had met on a weekend trip she had taken: twenty years old this woman was, but she had four children: a four year old, a three year old, a toddler, and one younger than a year. The woman was pregnant with her next.

And after she spoke of the woman, she spoke of the father, too. How he locked the children alone in a room when they were with him but he had to leave the house.

And she spoke of the news she got just today of a storm. How a tornado had hit the house where the woman lived, and how the children were not there.

She looked up with a determined focus in her eyes. It was God's will, she said, His way of freeing those four children from that woman.

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